19 Apr 2016

6 Skin Care Tips You Need to Follow

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Your skin can say so much about you. Stress and fatigue might just be some of the reasons you’ve got dull, dry skin. Stop going around, looking less than your best. Here are some ways you could put some moisture and life back into your skin.

1. Get plenty of rest.

Glamour says 7 to 8 hours of sleep remains ideal. So catch up on some ZZZs whenever you can. With enough rest, your skin won’t have to look dry all the time. Making an effort to go to bed at the same time also helps set your internal clock. So when that time hits, you’ll find yourself sleepy and ready for bed.

2. Put on sun protection.

These days, skin cancer isn’t a far-off possibility, given the amount of UV rays people now get from everyday sunlight. So while getting enough sun is great, don’t overdo it. Keep your skin protected by slathering on enough sunscreen or sunblock before you step out the door and face the day.

3. Don’t smoke.

Smoking damages your elastin as well as collagen, which are key to keeping your skin looking supple and elastic. This bad habit also limits blood flow in your vessels, essentially depriving your skin of oxygen as well as nutrients. That’s why long-term smoking causes wrinkles, leaving you with older-looking skin.

4. Exfoliate your skin.

Get rid of the day’s dirt by regularly exfoliating your skin. And if you want better results, do it longer, not harder. Scrubbing your skin too much can cause damage, warns InStyle.

5. Consult a professional.

Your skin problems can be caused by allergies or something else. If you’ve been trying all sorts of home-remedies or over-the-counter solutions, it might be time for you to go with a pro. Consult a professional skin care clinic in Encinitas for help to find out what could be at the root cause of your skin problems. Knowing what you’re dealing with is the best way to find the right cure for your skin issues.

6. Keep a healthy state of mind.

The best way to fight against stress is to have a positive mindset. So don’t let problems and negative thinking get the best of you. Exercise, do things you enjoy, spend time with loved ones and do your best to stay happy. You’ll do fine.

So look your best with great skin. Keep it looking healthy and younger looking with these easy-to-follow tips.
