11 May 2016

Different Kinds of Botox Treatments

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Botox treatment has been proven effective at treating hyperhidrosis, a condition that is characterized by excessive sweating. Botox injections in the proper areas may paralyze the nerves which signal the human body to begin sweating. The particular treatment may last from 6 months to one year, although the cost often is prohibitive and injections typically aren’t covered through your insurance.


Achalasia includes an esophageal condition where esophagus muscle nerves and the sphincter that separates the esophagus from your stomach do not perform their job. The result is that it may be difficult to get water and food through the esophagus to your stomach. Botox that is injected inside your esophageal sphincter may weaken the valve and permit beverages and food inside your stomach. Again, it’s a treatment which has to be regularly repeated to witness continuous results, and it’s possible that the injections negatively will affect the result of any subsequent operations to treat the condition.


The function of Botox as a cosmetic procedure for wrinkles was initially noted by physicians who use it to treat blepharospasm, or involuntary blinking, and additional conditions that affect the eye muscles. In serious blepharospasm cases, a patient might blink so much that he’s blind. Injections of Botox will target the muscles and cause spasms leading to blinking.


Also, migraines have shown improvement using Botox treatment. Injecting toxin into upper head muscles — the brow area and forehead, eyes, and back and sides of the head — has been proven to alleviate migraine pain for up to 6 months. As its medicinal use for blepharospasm caused physicians to find the cosmetic uses for Botox® it was, partically the cosmetic use which led physicians to recognize its medical advantage to migraines.

For more information on our Botox Treatment contact Rejeuvine Medspa today at (760) 753-5757.
